
TrustDice – It’s a casino that also has a faucet that gives 0.0012 EOS or 0.00000084 BTC or 0.0000156 ETH or 0.0326 USDT or USDC once every 6 hours. You also get 1 TXT (casino staking coin) for daily login. You can withdraw the balance, use it to play, or invest in the casino and get rewards from their income.
Gives:0.0012 EOS or 0.00000084 BTC or 0.0000156 ETH or 0.0326 USDT or USDC every 6 hours
Minimal Payout : 0.001 BTC,  0.35 EOS, 0.01 ETH, 30 USDT, has transaction fee.
Paying: Paying


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